
My Microbiology Blog

Photo by Alex on Unsplash

Humira: What It Is, How It Functions, and the Side Effects

Since I have been talking a lot about antibodies recently, this week I have decided to talk about monoclonal antibodies, and more specifically, about a common medication that uses them, adalimumab. One recognizable brand of adalimumab is Humira, which is well advertised on TV and in magazines. But what does it help with? Well, adalimumab…

Antibodies and COVID-19: What We Know and What We Have Yet to Find

In my last post, I discussed the possible development of drugs that could help us treat COVID-19. For this weeks post, I wanted to talk about another source of hope for everyone: antibodies. Antibodies are Y shaped proteins that are part of our body’s immune system. When the body recognizes that there is something new…

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